The Rundown #4 April: Content


For every program, the proof is in the pudding. That means the content of the trip is what really makes it pop. So, in this edition of ‘The Rundown’ it’s high time we look at the commonalities in the industry when it comes to content.

The top priority? Cross off cross-cultural understanding

The programs that are the most sought after are the ones that put an emphasis on cross-cultural understanding and exploring international business. So, ‘Doing Business in… Germany, Panama, Israel etc.' and 'Global Business Strategies' take the top spots in terms of trip focus. The main thing is to delve into unfamiliar business cultures whichever way you choose to experience it, be that virtually, on the ground or a hybrid version of the two.

Get a real-world business experience

Consulting projects are skyrocketing in popularity and more clients are wedging them into their programs. Enhancing this kind of critical thinking comes best in hybrid form. Students can do the consultancy legwork online, digitally connecting with the company representatives. They'll then go from FaceTime to some face time! This method maximizes a program’s content, it's the perfect mix of real-world consultancy, travel, and the chance to impact industry leaders.

A blend of discovery and hot topics

The secret to great content is all about staying ahead of the curve and what better way to achieve that than with an eye-opening experience in an industry at the forefront of change. It’s no surprise to see more and more clients requesting emerging and trending topics like Environmental and Social Governance (ESG), AI, Tech, and Innovation & Social Entrepreneurship.

Oh! You already have a subject in mind?

Understood. In the past six months, we’ve seen a pattern in the destination reflecting the content focus. Are you looking to tap into the world of smart energy? Dubai’s your place! How about uncovering digital innovation? Finland & Estonia it is! Or perhaps you’d like to explore one of the globe’s booming TV & film production hubs? Well, that would mean a trip to our hometown of Prague.

I'd love to talk about what you want to put in your program. You can book a quick consultation call with me easily via my Calendly.

Best regards,

Tomas Chalupnik


The Rundown #5 – Insights


The Rundown #3 March: Get prepped!